Wednesday, 10 June 2009

June 10

I've taken a little time out to write a TV pilot called "Tell Tale" - I'll tell you more about this later ... Right now getting back on the Last Heroes publicity trail ... More news soon!
The picture is of my school friend Steven Mustard - the real Billy Barker! - at home reading Super Maxwell in his pool in the US - guess you can see which one of has had the more successful career paths - I've got a paddling pool (with a hole in it!) - Oh to be JKR!

Super Maxwell and the Burning Boys...Page 381

He liked Maxwell, he liked the boy a lot, and given, well … given a slightly easier challenge Dr Arcania would have done his best to save Maxwell. He was sure he would. But the truth was, the universe would be a much safer place if Maxwell Jones was dead.
But Dr Arcania still paused, and looking over his shoulder he found himself whispering; ‘I’ll be back, Maxwell.’
The he grabbed the goldfish bowl and ran. He risked a terrified glance at Jake and Tale, but they were still playing their silly fight game, and then ran through the open door.