Tuesday, 4 October 2011

On hiatus for retooling

Unfortunately, through circumstances beyond my control, Super Maxwell 3 no longer has a publisher. These are tough times for publishing, as for everyone else, so I can't really have any hard feelings for my former publisher. It is very disappointing, of course, as it means that you definitely will not be seeing The Isle of the Dead in 2011. But as someone wiser than me once said (I think it was Yogi Bear) you only lose when you give up - so Maxwell is not dead, just not quite able to make it to your door just yet.
As a consequence of this I am not able to deliver Trevor and the Time Thieves to you before Halloween - but, as a bonus, it's going to be longer ... and hopefully better, a kind of mini-book for you. That's cool, right?
So do keep tuning in on a Friday to read more of Trevor's adventures, dispatches may be a bit spotty, but Trevor is still as alive, and irritating, as ever, and is not about to keep his big Killian gob shut.

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